Today, just as Ally (the 7 year old bouncing around the office) got back from school, I asked her suggestion for a topic to write about for today's blog.
"Okay sure Ananya. I'll help you", she told me and joined me as I went back to my desk in the studio. She pulled up a high stool, sat right next to me and looked around the studio.
"Hey you could write about how I call each person different names! Like Akshay is the silent boy, Tanvi is the earphone girl, and Nayana the blue girl!".
Ally, every time she gets into the studio has a habit of observing and naming people in the office based on their characters. She sometimes observes behavior patterns that we adults normally miss out.
No two people are called the same, and like she observes, our office is filled with characters of various kinds - silent ones, extremely talkative ones, pessimistic ones, extremely optimistic ones, people who like to work in organized patterns, people who like to work in chaos, the list just keeps going. There are no two people who are similar to eachother. The office is a melange of characters.
You could call it a coincidence - we just happened to hire extremely different personalities. But if you look a little deeper into the office structure and our hiring process, I realised that it is no coincidence. Along with their proficiency in architectural practices, each person who joins the office is also scrutinized for their personal strengths and weaknesses. Their role within the office is determined based on these strengths and weaknesses. So when the teams come together, it is a mixture of people, who compliment eachother's strengths. Nikhil's sketches enhanced by Mannat's writing is put together using Dhruvi's presentation skills.
Cheers to the people who have been a part to the journey of Sandarbh and the many more who are going to join us!